Dr. Hai Qi

Dr. Hai Qi

School of Medicine
Tsinghua University

Dr. Qi is a Professor in Immunology at Tsinghua University. He studies humoral immune regulation and germinal center biology. His group has made important contributions to our understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying T-B interactions, follicular helper T-cell development and function, and germinal center positive selection. His group has also made important advances in mechanistic understanding of sexual dimorphism in B-cell immunity and how brain can directly control antibody responses. Dr. Qi is an HHMI International Scholar and has been recognized by numerous awards, including an AAI-BD Investigator Award.

Speaker's Schedule

Dec 21, 2022
08:40 - 09:20
Society Lecture | Live from Hangzhou site
Germinal centers and long-lived humoral immunity
The germinal center (GC) reaction gives rise to affinity-matured, long-lived plasma cells and memory B cells. How affinity-based positive selection is orchestrated and how selected cells are destined for memory or plasma cell development are not fully understood. I will present our recent published and unpublished work that shed lights on these important questions in humoral immune regulation.