Prof. Cong Liu

Dr. Cong Liu

Principal Investigator
Interdisciplinary Research Center on Biology and Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Liu is currently a principal investigator at Interdisciplinary Research Center on Biology and Chemistry (IRCBC), SIOC, CAS. He received his PhD in Biochemistry at Peking University, and then joined Prof. Eisenberg’s lab as a postdoctoral fellow in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA. Dr. Liu mainly focuses on investigating the molecular basis of protein pathological aggregation and phase separation in Parkinson’s disease by using interdisciplinary approaches. As the (co)-corresponding, Dr. Liu published 40 papers, including Cell, PNAS (7), NSMB (3), Cell Research (5), Nat Commun (7), Mol Cell, Dev Cell, and Sci Adv. His systematical findings on protein phase separation and aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases have been well recognized internationally in the field, and he has been invited by Nat Rev Neurosci and Nat Chem Biol to write reviewing articles for introducing the structural polymorphism of amyloid aggregation and its hierarchical chemical determination in NDs.

Speaker's Schedule

Dec 21, 2022
15:40 - 16:00
Hangzhou Talk #18
Mechanistic view of α-synuclein pathological aggregation in Parkinson's disease
Many neurodegenerative diseases are associated with intracellular protein aggregates, such as tau in Alzheimer's disease, and α-syn in Parkinson's disease. We found that pathological amyloid aggregates exhibit highly polymorphic fibrillar structures with distinct pathologies, which renovates the traditional view of protein pathological aggregation as misfolded amorphous aggregates. Moreover, our works show amyloid aggregation is under dynamic and hierarchical regulation by different chemical modifications including glycosylation and phosphorylation, providing understanding on how different pathological amyloid polymorphs are determined under different diseased conditions.