Prof. Chong Liu

Dr. Chong Liu

School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine
Zhejiang University

Dr. Liu is a PI of the School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine of Zhejiang University and a joint PI of the Neurosurgery Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University. He was graduated from Tsinghua University with a doctor's degree in 2008. He has been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oregon from 2008.02 to 2012.12, and research scientist at University of Virginia School of Medicine from 2013.01 to 2015.03. He has been a researcher of School of Basic Medicine, Zhejiang University from 2015.04 to 2020.10, and a researcher at the School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine, Zhejiang University since 2020.11. Dr. Liu is interested in the development of genetic models of diseases, mechanisms of neurogenesis and the interaction between tumors and the microenvironment. The laboratory mainly uses the advantages of multi-disciplines, combined with developmental biology, neurobiology, single-cell sequencing technology, in vivo two-photon imaging and chemical genetics to analyze the biological basis of glioma cell of origin and carcinogenesis from multiple levels, and screen specific diagnostic markers and key therapeutic targets. Related research work has been published in Nature, Cell, Advanced Science, Neuro-oncology and other journals.

Speaker's Schedule

Dec 20, 2022
14:00 - 14:20
Hangzhou Talk #4
A novel genetic disease models to dissect the molecular mechanism and to visualize the initiation and progression of glioma
Cancer initiation and progression are always associated with the acquisition and accumulation of genetic mutations which drive the malignant transformation of the cancer cells of origin. It has been shown that different driver mutations can generate tumors with distinct pathological features. How driver mutations interact with tumor cells of origin and how such interactions dictate the fate of the cell of origin and the tumor pathological features are the fundamental questions in cancer biology. Here we developed a set of novel “all-in-one” glioma lineage-tracing model system based the intra-brain ventricle electroporation and transposon-mediated conditional gene editing techniques. By using this system in genetically engineered mouse models, we generated glioma models with the top driver mutation combinations found in GBM patients, therefore almost recapitulating the full driver-mutation spectrum found in glioblastoma patients. The results will help to address those fundamental questions pertinent to the relationships between driver mutations, tumor evolution pathways and the final tumor phenotypes. The results will also help to understand the nature of gliomagenesis and to develop novel approaches for glioma intervention and treatment.